Pakistan’s Envoy Malik Farooq to Poland for Polish investment in Pakistan


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Warsaw (PR)

Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Republic of Poland Malik Mohammad Farooq has offered the Polish companies to invest in Pakistan.

Addressing the Polish investor while speaking at an online seminar, he said, polish companies can focus on most liberal investment regime in Pakistan as according to him, there are at least five reasons why Pakistan is best place to invest, firstly the strategic location of Pakistan, secondly large consumer market, thirdly liberal investment policy, fourthly positive economic outlook of country and fifthly special incentives for investment in special economic zones.

The web seminar was arranged by embassy of Pakistan in Warsaw in collaboration with Polish National Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KIG) Tuesday. Seminar was focused on showcasing investment and trade opportunities in Pakistan for Polish companies. The title of event was “Let’s do Business Together; Opportunities and prospects of business with Pakistan”.


Representatives of more than 40 Polish companies from all sectors attended the seminar  moderated by former ambassador of Poland to Saudi Arabia and current advisor to president polish national Chamber. Dr. Andrzej Arendarski, President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce welcomed participants and started proceedings with introducing Pakistan market potential for investment and trade. Welcoming the participants, the Ambassador of Pakistan to Poland Muhammad Farooq Malik elaborated the trade potential and offered all kind of help for business community in doing business with Pakistan. He further stressed that such event are very important to ensure B2b and B2G contacts which can result in mutual trade benefits. Director General Trade development authority of Pakistan (TDAP) Basit Rauf explained the role of TDAP and offered all kind of services and help for polish companies at all levels of their engagement with Pakistani counterparts.

Pakistan’s Trade & Investment Counsellor in Poland Muhammad Zahid Bhatti gave a presentation to the audience about investment and trade opportunities in Pakistan and highlighted those sectors which can be explored to diversify Pakistan’s exports to Poland in addition to traditional sector of textiles. He also invited polish companies to come forward and translate this goodwill coupled with friendly investment and trade regime of Pakistan into mutual business gains.

Poland’s ambassador in Islamabad Poitr Opalinski also spoke on the occasion and heighlighted the importance of trade with Pakistan. He said that polish oil and gas company (PGNIG) has already invested more than 250 Million dollars in Pakistan and working on further expansion of its operations in Pakistan. He said that Pakistan is my second home and in said in Urdu “dil se me bhi Pakistani hun” (I am also Pakistani by heart).”

The overwhelming interest of polish companies can be judged by the large number of queries raised by the participant polish companies. The allotted 30 minutes for question answer were not sufficient as polish companies were interested to know further details and opportunities in different sectors with specific information. It was decided that chamber will forward all questions to trade section of the embassy which will contact the companies individually and provide the required information and guide them further.

The president of polish chamber thanks participants in the end and ensured that events like these will continue and second phase of B2B meetings will be organized in near future.


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